Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

As with all Early Years settings, Stockland and Yarcombe Preschool abides to the EYFS Statutory Framework. In addition, we utilise the Development Matters government guidance to set our curriculum and observe each child to monitor their progression across the following seven areas of development.


When designing our curriculum we have ensured a well-planned program which recognises the knowledge and skills that pupils will need for later life. You can find out more about our curriculum and how it is used by visiting the Topic Overviews.

Prime Areas:

  • Communication and Language Development
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Physical Development

The three Prime Areas are supported by four specific areas of development:

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

Through our observations and by spending time with each child we are able to plan engaging activities based on the children’s needs, likes and interests. Learning opportunities are then extended through critical thinking, open questions and spontaneous planning. During each session the children enjoy child-led free play, as well as taking part in adult-led activities, small group sessions and circle song and story time.

Every child is unique and has their own rate of development and style of learning, which staff tune into through their daily interactions and observations of each child. By building positive and trusting relationships with the children, staff can provide a safe and secure environment to maximise the learning opportunities available.

It is just as important to build positive working relationships between the setting and home to not only discuss and agree on next steps, but to provide a consistent approach of support which so greatly benefits a child’s development.

Each child will be appointed a member of staff as their Key Person, who will be the parent/carer’s main point of contact. The Key Person will monitor each child’s development, in their group, through observations and interactions and discuss with parents / carers the child’s progression as well as any concerns. We hold termly parent consultations, but meetings can be organised more frequently as required. As a setting we utilise Tapestry, an online communication tool which enables both the preschool and home to share updates.

More information about the EYFS, Development Matters and government curriculum guidance can be found HERE.

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