The safety and wellbeing of your child is our number one priority, with their best interests being at the heart of all decisions made. Being a small team, all staff get to know each child in attendance and so are perfectly placed to notice any signs which are a cause of concern. We all have a duty of care to protect each child’s wellbeing and do so by following our thorough and comprehensive set of policies and procedures, which align with current statutory requirements and guidance.
All staff have Safeguarding training which is refreshed annually and so have a robust understanding of their role in protecting the safety of those children who attend Stockland and Yarcombe Preschool. As this covers any concerns both within the setting and at home, staff will work closely with parents/carers to build strong and positive working partnerships to provide the best support for each child.
Below is a link to our Safeguarding Policies which include our procedures for your reference. As we believe all of us have a duty of care to protect children we ask parents/carers to please:
- Supervise your child at drop off and collection from preschool, remembering that the car park can be very busy as it is also used by school parents.
- Leave a message on the preschool’s answer phone to advise if your child is not going to attend their usual session.
- Let a member of staff know if someone else is collecting your child. We understand that emergencies can happen, whereby the person picking up may not be known to staff. In such cases, we will ask you for a password, which must be used at collection. We will not allow your child to be collected by someone you have not told us about.
- Ensure we have up to date contact details, emergency information and advise us of any changes to family circumstances.
- Advise us of any changes to medical needs or allergies, from those included in your child’s registration forms.
- Immediately advise staff of any concerns you may have regarding a child’s safety or wellbeing. We have a separate meeting room where discussions can be held discreetly and privately.
Please click the links below for each individual policy document (opens in a new tab):
Operation Encompass Safeguarding Statement SYPS
Intimate Care Toileting Policy SYPS
Missing Pupil Policy & Procedure SYPS
Lockdown Policy & Procedure SYPS