Additional Needs

As Early Years specialists, our staff members are ideally placed to pick up on any developmental concerns through their daily observations and interactions with each child. Staff will work closely with parents / carers to discuss and agree on the next best steps for supporting the child. This may be support offered within the setting or a referral to an outside service for more targeting specialist support – such as Speech and Language. It can be an anxious time for parents / carers and so staff are sensitive to each family’s unique needs and decisions are only made with parent / carers consent.

At Stockland and Yarcombe Preschool we pride ourselves in the care we offer to all children in attendance, wanting only the best to help each child flourish across all areas of development.

There are many support services available to support both young children and their families. Do speak to a member of staff who will be able to signpost you to the most appropriate service or submit a referral if appropriate.

In addition, the following are useful resources:

Devon’s Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Local Offer
To help you find out about the support services available in Devon and how to access them:

Devon Information Advice and Support (DiAS)
A dedicated team offering legally- based and easily accessible information and advice about special educational needs and disabilities (SEND):

If you wish to speak to the Public Health Nursing Team – which includes Health Visitors – the East Devon hub can be contacted on: 0333 234 1903 or email

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