Stockland and Yarcombe Preschool is based at the centre of the Stockland community, within the village hall. We have a dedicated preschool room which is used for craft, sensory play and mark making, as well as adult-led activities and circle time sessions. In addition, we have use of the main hall which provides ample room for activities which promote physical development, as well as a home corner, construction and small world resources.
The children always have access to our secure courtyard, where our gazebo ensures outside play whatever the weather. We also regularly use the surrounding playing fields as well as our own garden, which we are currently extending.
Our preschool garden allows children fabulous imaginary play opportunities through the mud kitchens and playhouse, as well as exploring the natural world – with bug hunting being a firm favourite. Being surrounded by beautiful countryside also allows us to extend our learning environment further as we often explore the village, surrounding farms and organise events with the church.

Read more about our staff team and volunteer committee.