Policies Currently Being Updated
Implementation & review
SYP_0 Policy and procedures implementation and review policy
SYP_0.0 Implementation and review procedure
Health & Safety
SYP_01 Health and safety policy
SYP_01.01 Risk assessment
SYP_01.02 Group rooms and corridors
SYP_01.03 Kitchen
SYP_01.04 Childrens bathrooms changing areas
SYP_01.06 Short trips outings and excursions
SYP_01.07 Outdoors
SYP_01.09 Maintenance and repairs
SYP_01.11 Staff personal safety
SYP_01.12 Threats and abuse towards staff and volunteers
SYP_01.13 Entrances and approach to the building
SYP_01.14 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
SYP_01.15 Manual handling
SYP_01.16 Festival (and other) decorations
SYP_01.17 Jewellery and hair accessories
SYP_01.20 Notifiable incident non-child protection
SYP_01.21 Terrorist threat attack and lock-down
SYP_01.22 Emergency Preparedness Plan
Fire Safety
SYP_02 Fire safety policy
SYP_02.01 Fire safety
Food Safety & Nutrition
SYP_03 Food safety and nutrition policy
SYP_03.01 Food preparation storage and purchase
SYP_03.02 Food for play and cooking activities
SYP_03.06 Breast feeding
Health Procedures
SYP_04 Health policy
SYP_04.01 Accidents and emergency treatment
SYP_04.02 Administration of medicine
SYP_04.03 Life-saving medication and invasive treatments
SYP_04.04 Allergies and food intolerance
SYP_04.05 Poorly children
SYP_04.05b Infection control
SYP_04.06 Oral health
Equality & Diversity
SYP_05 Promoting inclusion equality and valuing diversity policy
SYP_05.01 Promoting inclusion equality and valuing diversity
See Safeguarding page here.
Record Keeping
SYP_07 Record keeping policy
SYP_07.01 Childrens records and data protection
SYP_07.02 Confidentiality recording and sharing information
SYP_07.03 Client access to records
SYP_07.04 Transfer of records
Staff, Volunteers & Students
SYP_08 Staff volunteers and students policy
SYP_08.01 Staff deployment
SYP_08.02 Deployment of volunteers and parent helpers
SYP_08.03 Student placement
Early Years Practice
SYP_09 Early years practice policy
SYP_09.01 Waiting list and admissions
SYP_09.02 Absence
SYP_09.03 The role of the key person
SYP_09.04 Settling in
SYP_09.05 Establishing childrens starting points
SYP_09.06 Arrivals and departures
SYP_09.08 Snack-times and mealtimes
SYP_09.09 Intimate care and nappy changing
SYP_09.12 Promoting positive behaviour
SYP_09.13 Identification assessment and support for children with SEND
SYP_09.14 Transition to school
SYP_09.15 Progress check at age two
Working in Partnership
SYP_10 Working in partnership with parents and other agencies policy
SYP_10.01 Working in partnership with parents and other agencies
Our preschool believes that children and parents are entitled to expect courtesy and prompt, careful, attention to their needs and wishes. We welcome suggestions on how to improve our preschool and will give prompt and serious attention to any concerns about the running of the preschool. We anticipate that most concerns will be resolved quickly by an informal approach to the preschool leader. If this does not achieve the desired result, we have a set of procedures for dealing with concerns.
Click here to read our Complaints Procedure:
SYP_10.02 Complaints procedure for parents and service users
Privacy Notice
Click here to read our Privacy Notice: